(CARTHAGE, N.Y.) – The Carthage Rod and Gun Club hosted the 10th Annual Shootin’ Trap for Trips fundraiser for the Volunteer Transportation Center Foundation on July 23, 2022. This year’s event saw 89 participants and raised more than $4,500 to benefit transportation of clients in Jefferson and Lewis Counties.

“We had an awesome turnout again for this year’s event and had another year of great weather,” said VTC Foundation Director and Director of Communications Jeremiah S. Papineau. “It was great to see even more younger shooters compete, thanks to the support of local high school teams and local clubs, including the Carthage Rod and Gun Club.”
“The Carthage Rod and Gun Club, year after year, is so great to us,” he continued, “and other clubs in the Northern Tier Trap League show up in support and for a great day of competition. It all comes together to make this shoot a big success.”
Mr. Papineau credited the Carthage Rod and Gun Club with their hard work behind the scenes to get this year’s event off the ground, including club president Justin Bach, trap team captain Alan Arndt, and kitchen manager Valda Arndt. He further credited the support of several volunteers who worked the event.
Top Gun of this year’s 50 Bird Shoot was Taylor Green with a score of 50. Other winners of the shoot were:

Sub-Junior Class – Remington Ruppert (47)
Junior Class – Taylor Green (50)
Veteran Class – Merle Arndt (48)
Senior Veteran Class – George Brinkley (48)
Ladies Class – Kenzie Ritz (47)
D Class – Zayne Rebb (40)
C Class- Jerry Reed (45)
B Class – David Dibble (45)
A Class – Ryan Reed (49)
AA Class – Brock Smykla (49)
This year’s Shootin’ Trap for Trips was underwritten by Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, Watertown Savings Bank, Stewart’s Shops, and the Glenn & Carol Pearsall Adirondack Foundation. Additional sponsors included CEM Machine, Croghan Meat Market, i2i Fabrications, St. Louis Trash Service, Dibble & Gellert Family Dentistry, Omnia Advanced Materials and Good Morning Realty.
Raffle items were donated by A To Z Liquors; Aubuchon Hardware; Bill’s Feed; Buckingham Hardware & Great Outdoors; Burrville Power Equipment; Carthage Tire; Cedars Golf Course; Croghan Meat Market; Dolhof True Value; Dunkin’; Eddie’s Meat Market; Gillees Auto Truck & Marine; Jeb’s Restaurant; Journal & Republican; JRECK Subs; Kathy’s Barber Shop; Kinney Drugs; Lisk’s Florals; Lowville Farmers Co-Op; Lowville Producers Dairy Cooperative; Lowville Sport & Farm; Maple Ridge Center Snow Park; Monnat & Nortz; Pepsi Bottling Group; Price Chopper; Roggie’s Flooring; RuMar Graphics; Sam’s Club; Sherwin Williams; Shultz Family Cheese; Silver Bench Jewelry; Simon’s Agway; State Street Hardware; Steak ‘N Brew; Steele’s Ace Home Center; Stefano’s Pizzeria & Restaurant; Stump’s Liquor and Video; The Valley Greenery; Tops Friendly Markets; Twin Village Liquors; TYRO Automotive; Yancey’s Sugarbush; Walmart Supercenter; Donna Barnhart; Nettie Mothersell; and Sam Purington.
Those who missed the event but who would still like to make a contribution to the VTC may do so by contacting Mr. Papineau at 315-303-2590 or email jeremiah@volunteertransportation.org.
The Volunteer Transportation Center, Inc. (VTC), established in 1991, drives thousands of miles each year assisting community members in Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence Counties and beyond. Over the last 30 years, this essential non-profit organization has provided rides to health care appointments, food sources and other critical needs destinations for residents. In 2021, our volunteer drivers provided 26,711 charitable trips over 1,073,435 miles in Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence Counties. Of those miles, 470,002 helped those in Jefferson County, 151,954 in Lewis County, and 451,479 in St. Lawrence County. That equated to approximately $477,679 in mileage reimbursement for our volunteers.
The staff, Board of Directors and volunteer drivers look forward to a time when transportation to community activities and services is accessible to all North Country residents regardless of economic or specialized needs. But for now the mission drives on — striving to provide transportation to health, wellness and critical needs destinations utilizing volunteers and mobility management for anyone who has barriers to transportation.
For more information about how you can help the Volunteer Transportation Center, about its upcoming events, or to become a volunteer driver, contact the agency in Jefferson and Lewis Counties at 315-788-0422, in St. Lawrence County at 315-714-2034, in Oswego County at 315-644-6944, or Western New York at 585-250-5030. Volunteers drive their own cars, set their own hours and receive mileage reimbursement but, more importantly, make a difference in the community. To learn more, visit www.volunteertransportationcenter.org.