(CARTHAGE, NY) – The Carthage Rod and Gun Club will again host the Shootin’ Trap for Trips Annual 50 Bird Shoot fundraiser to benefit the Volunteer Transportation Center. The shoot will be held at the club – located at 4500 Cold Spring Park Road, Carthage – Saturday, July 22.
“We’re looking forward to our friends at the Carthage Rod and Gun Club hosting this event to benefit the mission of the VTC,” said Jeremiah S. Papineau, the nonprofit organization’s Director of Communications and Foundation Director. “Last year, we marked our 10th year and it was one of our best yet. We’re hoping the shoot will draw another great crowd this year.”
Prizes this year include: Top Gun, AA, A, B, C, D, Junior, Sub Junior, Ladies, Veteran and Team. High school trap team participants are invited to compete in this event. Individuals 11 years and younger, however, are prohibited from shooting, by ATA standards.
Last year’s event saw 90 participants and raised more than $4,500 to benefit transportation of clients in Lewis County. Mr. Papineau credited the Carthage Rod and Gun Club with their hard work behind the scenes to get the event off the ground, including club president Justin Bach, trap team captain and shoot organizer Alan Arndt, and kitchen manager Valda Arndt. He further credited the support of several volunteers who worked the event.
“We appreciate the great folks at the Carthage Rod and Gun Club for hosting this shoot for us year after year,” said Mr. Papineau. “We’re able to help more people in our community thanks to their generosity.”
It’s Mr. Papineau’s hope this year’s Shootin’ Trap for Trips Annual 50 Bird Shoot – which will mark its 11th year – will be as successful or even more.
The cost to enter the shoot is $25 per person, with registration beginning at 8 a.m. the day of the event. Sign-ups will conclude at 1 p.m. Food and refreshments will be available during the day. The event will also include raffles and a 50-50 drawing.
This event is underwritten by Excellus BlueCross Blue Shield, Watertown Savings Bank, Stewart’s Shops, and the Glenn & Carol Pearsall Adirondack Foundation. Sponsors are still being sought and donations are being accepted for raffles at the event.
For more information about this year’s Shootin’ Trap for Trips Annual 50 Bird Shoot, to sponsor this event or to make a donation, contact Mr. Papineau at 315-303-2590 or by email at foundation@volunteertransportation.org. Additional information may also be found online at www.volunteertransportationcenter.org.
The Volunteer Transportation Center, Inc. (VTC), established in 1991, drives thousands of miles each year assisting community members in Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence Counties and beyond. Over the last 30 years, this essential non-profit organization has provided rides to health care appointments, food sources and other critical needs destinations for residents.
In 2022, volunteer drivers provided 26,487 charitable trips over 878,240 miles in Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence Counties. Of those miles, 376,604 helped those in Jefferson County, 137,743 in Lewis County, and 363,893 in St. Lawrence County. That equated to approximately $439,120 in mileage reimbursement for our volunteers.
The staff, boards of directors and volunteer drivers look forward to a time when transportation to community activities and services is accessible to all North Country residents regardless of economic or specialized needs. But for now the mission drives on — striving to provide transportation to health, wellness and critical needs destinations utilizing volunteers and mobility management for anyone who has barriers to transportation.
For more information about how you can help the Volunteer Transportation Center, about its upcoming events, or to become a volunteer driver, contact the agency in Jefferson and Lewis Counties at 315-788-0422, in St. Lawrence County at 315-714-2034, or Western New York at 585-250-5030. Volunteers drive their own cars, set their own hours and receive mileage reimbursement but, more importantly, make a difference in the community. To learn more, visit www.volunteertransportationcenter.org.